Daddy Showed us how to live and die well
My first Father’s day with Daddy in Heaven. He left for heaven March 27, 2009 at the age of 97.
My Daddy didn’t tell me how to live or die, he showed me. For all of us who had the honor of visiting him during his last few weeks, this statement was very evident. During his last few days, he communicated with peace in his eyes, a gentle smile, or squeeze of his hand. I am thankful that God kept his mind alert so we could say “goodbye, see you in the morning”.
He was an SIM (Serving In Mission) pioneer missionary who lived life to the full. He and my Mom (Sophie) sailed for Africa on the Queen Mary in 1937. Our first home was a grass hut, and first mode of transportation was a camel. Family life was always an adventure.
The morning Daddy went to be with Jesus at the age of 97, Warwick read Daily Light to me. “To him that soweth righteousness shall be a sure reward. I have fought a good fight, I have finished my course, I have kept the faith; henceforth there is laid up for me a crown of righteousness, which the Lord, the righteous judge, shall give me at the day; and not to me only, but unto all them also that love his appearing. Behold, I come quickly; hold that fast which thou hast, that no man take thy crown. (Prov 11:18, II Tim 4:7,8 Rev 3:11). Talk about planned comfort from God’s word. I pondered these words all day. Daddy has received his reward. I know it says a ‘crown’ here, but I know that seeing the eyes, and smile of Jesus would have so much more value to him than a crown. HE IS THERE. How awesome is that.
When I called my brother David (who has special needs), I recalled a similar conversation when I told him about Moma’s death 21 years ago. Here is the gist of our conversation … Annette: “Daddy is with Jesus now.” David: “OHHHH, I will miss him. He is with Mommy, Teddy (our oldest brother), Uncle Stan and Auntie Rae Whitehead (friends who knew David as a young boy). I want to go to heaven.” Annette: “When I told you Mama went to heaven you said: ‘Jesus called her name. He will be waiting for us, and will call our name someday.’ Can we wait together until it is our turn?” David: “Whose turn will be next?” --- WOW, what profound incite he has to encourage all of us, with a very simple faith.
Through this season of the shadow of death, I can feel the warmth of Jesus’ face next to mine, I can smell the sweet fragrance of His peaceful presence against the stench of death, and see the evidence of His sustaining power in the newness of this day. I can fall back into the loving arms of His eternal love and rest there.
When I think of Daddy, I realize his faith was practiced in the way he lived day by day. I am so proud to be a part of his family. It is my honor to follow in his steps, ones that look so much like the steps of Jesus. My prayer is that in my generation and those behind, we will be able to recognize the steps of Jesus. Clarence Kelland said: “My father didn’t tell me how to live; he lived and let me watch him do it.” This was so true of Daddy. He also showed us how to die well, and we thank him.
As I stand by his grave, I remember that his body is like a shadow reflecting who he was here on earth. There is no life there, yet he is more alive now than he ever has been. I love that truth about ETERNAL LIFE. Right now I see through clouds of human understanding and mis-understanding, grief and pain mixed with hope and love. It seems very dark and cold at time. Death isn’t something we will ever get used to, but the SON is above those clouds. And that is where my belief system lies! Let’s remain enveloped in His mercy new, just for today to live and die well!