Monday, April 12, 2010

Tuesday, March 23rd

Dan and I went to ELWA Staff Devotions at 7:30 am. I was the only woman, but it was wonderful seeing men who were serving Jesus, singing and committing their new day to Him for His service.

I stayed at the guest house and visited with Ben Colby (SIM Liberia) for about two hours. Then I visited with James Kessely (ELWA Ministries) also. They both shared how the structure of the ministry in Liberia has changed since the war. They shared a lot of personal as well as ministry prayer requests. There are wonderful things happening, but there is real need for the Lord to come along side and give specific guidance in certain matters. This can happen. I know how the devil would love to get in the middle of what God is doing, causing confusion and frustration. I have seen how prayer can tie the hands and gag the mouth of the devil. God can override again!!!

Jefferson and Helena Zeon from Jabzjet (which means TRUTH in Bassa) Orphanage came by to visit. This orphanage is also know as Susie Gunther's Orphanage with a total of 62 children in their care. They have three locations: 1. Bassa Foster Home with 18 children with a school from K-6th grade. 2. Another Foster Home with 8 children and 3. the Orphanage with 36 children with a school from K-9th grade. There are children from the community that attend, making a total of 370 students. The school was started in 1987, just before the war, Jefferson was an orphan himself. He was raised by the Gunthers, and given the opportunity to go to school. Now he wants to give back to Liberia by providing opportunity for other orphans. They have two special needs children, Hawa (3 years old) with Cerebral Palsy and Dominique (2 years old) who is also mentally handicap. We visited them later.

In the evening we went to a Reception given by YFC Liberia staff and Board. We were able to meet with the Board members as well. It was wonderful hearing how God is renewing YFC International in Liberia. Rev Michael Holder who is Chaplin of the Liberian Senate was on the Teen Time Quiz as well as Vice President Boakai. They still study their Bibles from what they learned many years ago. He said he came as a 'bush-boy' to the Senate, and thanks God for the influence he has in the government right now. He said: "We must pray that God would give us peace in Liberia, but now we are turning Liberia back to unbelievers." He explained that his desire is to see more true believers in the government, and not hand it back to unbelievers. He is trying to build a newwork between churches and the Government. Pray for Augustine Fredericks who is now the Liberian Director of YFC. We thank the Lord that they have worked everyday with us on the Rallies. God is so good. Their follow up teams will also work with the churches where we had the Rallies for follow up.

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